Friday, December 12, 2008

Too Much Easy Money

Too much easy money is not good for us. I mean, a little easy money is good and pleasant, but I believe we would like to feel the satisfaction of truly having earned that which we have received, and that we would like to continue to do so. We, as human beings, according to the Bible, are made in God's own image, and I believe that if we do not do things the way God does things, we are not truly happy. God is the source and creator of all life, and if the builders don't follow the architect's plan, things go awry. I am not coming from a fundamentalist standpoint, I tell you here. I mean, a little easy money is good for lightens the load. But, as the Bible says, "All hard work yields a profit." There is a saying that we've all heard and used: "Easy come, easy go." There needs to be a moderation at play where gaining money is concerned; what is the middle-ground? God's work ethic, according to the Law of Moses, is six days on, one day off. I would love to be that busy! Not doing the same thing for a straight six days, mind you, but at diversified and profitable interests.

The Judeo-Christian work ethic is one that need a positive re-examination. It needs to be seen in a positive light, and each individual needs to study the etymology behind it in order to understand it. It is not oppressive. It is fulfilling and productive. Oppression is something men do, not God, and that as a result of sin being in the world. Some may argue that there is no such thing as sin. This is simply untrue! To sin is to do wrong, especially when it is done on purpose.  Let me paint for you a picture.

You go into a bank and deposit your money. The sum total is approximately $100,000. Then, through no fault of your own, you are victimized by an internet thief. Did that thief not do wrong to you and by you? Now FDIC rates go up, and so do lending rates, and so on. The essence of sin is wrongdoing.

Another scenario: what if a gangbanger shot a loved one just for seeking a thrill? Would you not want him held to account, and brought to justice? If there were no remorse on his part, would you ever forgive him? Wouldn't you want him to at least consider the possiblity of a Hell? That the Hell might be scared out of him?

The love of money is the root of all evil, and for those who love money, money is usually pretty easy. The love of money is idolatry, and the root source for all sin. Jesus said that "it is easier for a camel to enter through the eye of a needle than it is for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of heaven." An honest windfall is just that, but unjust gain is wrong, and sinful.

I know that all of this has been said before, but all of this bears repeating. It stands the test of time. Everything that stands the test of time bears repeating, whether good art, good music, a good meal or a good ethic. I have to thank God that all of my gain is ethical, and for my taste in music and art, and that He blesses me with good food. But, by the same token, do not think that it is easy. I am not a rich man by any stretch of the imagination; no, not at all. Quite the otherwise, as a matter of fact. But thankfully, God has provided for me a new job, surprisingly enough, it is a legitimate work-from-home situation as a quality analyst. Mine is a telecommute. I'm sure there might be a downside in that I won't be spending much time out of doors, but it is a blessing in that I won't be caught out in the elements if something goes wrong with my transportation.


Through this employment opportunity, I am going to get back on my feet as a professional musician, if the Lord wills, and I am going to climb out of poverty, and honestly, at that!


So, in sum, I want to earn my money honestly, and I want to support myself as a musician and an artist until I am free to do those things solely for my income. I want to do something useful with my hands to earn. To be honest, being out of a gig makes me to feel out of my element.  But I want something that I find challenging and not run-of-the-mill, something in line with my aptitudes, not just easy money.

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