Friday, December 12, 2008

The Word


Talking about it is the cure;
It won't be easy, that's for sure!
It is the Word that heals,
The Word is what is real.

Conversation is the stuff of life, as they say;
It is what propels us into a brand new day.
Speak, and be not silent!
Speak until you must relent!
To talk about what is ailing you
Is the cure for what ails you!

The apostle said, “In the Beginning was the Word.”
The Word is the Beginning of all things
A mystery, to be sure
But, it is not far from us, no, not at all!
From the poems we write and the songs we sing,
The word is near, and the word is holy and pure.

Behind the Word is power;
That is where true strength lies, in the word, whe'er or not you think me absurd
But that is the great unyielding tower:
The Word.

There is nothing lost that cannot be found,
And there is no one who is lost that cannot find their way
Whe'er here or there
or back or forth.
We don't always choose our words wisely, and that may lose us friends
But if we turn around and go back to the Beginning, let us seek a kinder and gentler far-reaching end.
There is no problem without solution, and the Solution is found in the Word.
The problem is the beginning of a process of discovery
And the solution is that which is discovered.

What covers the problem is a lack of light, therefore the solution is the light of the world, and that is, according to Jesus, you and I, and He is the Way and the Truth and the Life, the very light of the world.
His words are Life, Light and Spirit, and His Name is the Word of God. He is the Word which was from the Beginning, in which was the Word. Jesus is the solution to every problem.

It is my hope that I do not sound religious so much, but reasoning and reasonable, thinking and thoughful.
Thomas Payne said of times like I am living, “These are the times that try the souls of men,” in his Age of Reason. And that, of which he wrote, goes not out of season, that being reason.

Never say never, and
Never say die
Alas is not the end, no not ever.
In despair, do not cry!
But rather, look up, and despair not ever.
Look up, and sane you will look, for more often than not, upwards is the source of the light by which we see. Happiness dwells upward, and higher we wish to go. Altitude is everything.
Although, what goes up must come down, and the higher the heights, the deeper the depths. For those who believe, depression and sadness are only temporary- there is no permanent evil or woe. At the end, there is no loss for those who believe.

How's this for a Neologism: Ultraholophrenia? It means, “The highest form of wholesome thinking.” Where there is an evil, there is a countering good. If Schizophrenia is the problem, then in the Word, there is a solution in the Holy Spirit. Holophrenia is the solution to Schizophrenia. How might we induce holophrenia? Merely by using the word 'holophrenia,' and that right faithfully and judiciously.

The Word is the Genesis of all things, whe'er tried and true, or neoligism. Happiness is the answer to madness.
When we feel like crying out, “Stop the madness!” we ought say, “Let the happiness begin!” Happiness is the end of madness, not punishment. Punishment only stirs anger and resentment, and free men ought to seek happiness, first within, then without. A little for me can be alot for you, and you, and you, and you , too. Punishment, which is to say, revenge, belongs to the LORD. Therefore, let us, while we are free, seek happiness and peace and greater freedom, and it is only by the truth that one is set free. Therefore, our fellowship should be truth, whe'er in the country or the city, in the desert, or on the roof. If truth is our fellowship, then freedom will be our home. If it is truth that sets free, and sin that binds, then let us seek truth, for everyone who seeks, finds, said Jesus, he being the very truth in and of the truth's own self. If damnation is the problem, and salvation the solution to the problem, then how are we saved? In the very word, 'Salvation.'

Salvation: the Word is its birth, whether in the depths of despair, woe and madness, or atop
the mountains of the earth.

The Word.

Love, truth, grace, peace, faith, hope, love.

The Truth. The Son. The Way. The Life. The Word.


Beatific is the Word!
The Spirit is Truth.

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