Friday, December 19, 2008

The Bill of Rights, Amendment I

Amendment I

Freedoms, Petitions, Assembly

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press, or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.




I believe there is too much litigation and deliberation in the legislative branch of worldly government. There is too much professional interpretation of the law, and there is not enough civil practice of the wording of the law. If civilian America were to keep themselves in the very good practice of practicing the law as it is written, verbatim, from childhood, there would be a greater awareness abound.

We often hear about the separation of church and state, but, if we examine the first amendment as it is written, that phrase is never mentioned in the first amendment as such. It says, "Congress shall make no law respecting an esablishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof."  If you will indulge me a Biblical quotation, it is written in the Bible by St. Peter, "Rightly divide the word of truth." Instead of interpreting the law, let us etymologize its words, one by one. Let us dissect it, and reassemble it, define it and find out what it means. Let us avoid interpretation of the law. In the Bible, concerning Scripture, it say "Prophecy of Scripture is not left to one's own interpretation, for prophecy never had its origin in the will of man, but the prophet spoke as he was carried along by the Holy Spirit." Just what is a congress, by definition?  To congregate is to come together, to assemble, and the words congress  and congregate have the same root, which is the Latin congregare, to flock together. Sheep and birds are the only animals I know of that flock together. So congress is some sort of coming together of men, and now women, within the last century, or a flocking together.

The next word is  shall. According to wikipedia, the word shall, like the word will, is a modal verb expressing the future. "Congress shall..."  Something done by Congress is going to happen in the future, according to the first two words of the First Amendment.

"...make..."  Wow! If you look up the definition of this seemingly small word, you will find a vast array of definitive attributes. It carries here nearly fifty defintions, all of them subtly different from the other: "Make love, not war!" "Create..." "force another to do something."

"" Let's check this one out. Let us define this one as such: "Not in any manner or measure at all."

"" What is a law? Let's just simplify this by calling a legal precept, decree or mandate.

"...respecting..."  What is it to respect? It is a level of elevation of a certain person, place or thing as worthy of honor.

""  This is what is, linguistically speaking, an article, presupposing that the noun that follows is a singular thing, that it is one thing.

"...establishment..."  a place of business or an official act.

"...of..."   That which presupposes that that which follows is going engender the preceding thing or act.

"...religion..."  Theologically speaking, religion is defined as 'man's works to please God.' My personal religion is faulty; I am a sinner.

"...or..."  These little guys are quite difficult to define! I couldn't find a defintion for it, so I will say it is a conversant precupice.

"...prohibiting..." To prohibit something is to put a ban or damper on, to forbid.

"...the..."  a word that makes definitive and exclusive that which follows it.

""  Coming at no cost, unfettered, loose.

"...exercise..." To move repetitiously for the purpose of strengthening.

"...thereof..." There is not here, even though when you get there, you can say, "I'm here." Therefore, thereof can be said to mean, "A place that stems from not being here among us where we are at now."


Let's stop right there. We have defined the law, and the words separation, church nor state  occur anywhere through the course of the wording of this precept of the law. The law, as it is written, does not call for, at any time, for a separation of church and state, but rather, it calls for no governmental establishment of law concerning man's works to please God, or the movement of the people repetitiously, in order to strengthen themselves, at a place, either in time or space, real or imagined, where they are not at right now, when ever that may be. Through defining each word, we have come to a broader definition of the law and its original intent, and never once attempted to interpret it, and in so doing have redefined just one precept of the law, and as result, have a new understanding of the law through redefining it. 

Governmental concerns and ecclesiastical concerns are intentionally different, therefore there are different attitudes in the establishments of both. Is it good to keep in the vocabulary of the legislators the notion that we the people are required, by mandate of the people, to impose a separation of church and state. I don't think so, because that is not how the law is worded. It should, however, be a course of study to practice the wording of the law at an appropriate age, say  ages 11 through 18, for the purpose of social and linguistic study. Then, there would be a greater freedom and liberty experienced by even school children where knowledge of the law is concerned, and it would not be forgotten by them their whole lives. I have always contended that to be aware is to know, and a fundamental awareness of the law is a good thing to have by any and all, no matter what their age, young or old.

The process and methodology of verbal division and definition is important. I believe that from an early age, when reading and writing skills are assimilated, the transcription and recitation of the law ought be introduced. The law is a high thing, and the more familiar we are with the law, the less frivolous our behavior, even though there is a time and a place for everything, frivolity included. Children need playtime. It is a form of liberation and it is a form of freedom. Adults need freedom from that which hinders, and I believe that violation of principle is that which hinders, and if there were a heightening of awareness in regards to the law in the collective consciousness of the populus, freedom and liberty would abound.

I would like to see life-long, post-secondary educational reviews of all citizens where once every ten years, a person must take a semester of refresher courses in the general curricula, or if my higher dream of aptitude-based curricula comes to be, in the aptitudinal curricula of each individual, a continuation of either general or higher learning in general, it would be state-funded, ideally.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

What Would Happen?

In the Law of Moses, there is something that is called the Year of Canceling Debts. What would happen, especially now that we are seeing the bankruptcy of quite a few corporate entities, if this were acted upon by the land of America at this time? I am not calling for a union of church and state here, but an examination of the establishment of such mandate by the government. I believe that the Year of Canceling debts occurs once every seven years according to the Law of Moses. If America were to matriculate such an institution, I believe the idea would catch on. Perhaps this could extend to the debts men have to society, as well, freeing all of the prisoners from prison, giving amnesty to all men. I am not calling for such a thing necessarily every seven years, but perhaps letting it be a one time thing, and if it works, then establish it regularly.  What would happen? It would definitely be a day of light for those who have incurred debt, and, while referring to an old thing, it would be socially innovative in contemporary times, and it would not be a dark day at all.

The Redemption of Marijuana

Marijuana is usually maligned by the conservative members of society. It is believed that it is not good for those who use it. Perhaps, at least for the time being, in part, they are right. It does, for now, have adverse psychological effects, sometimes, on its users. This, I propose, is due to the fact that it is presently listed among illicit drugs. There is, however, a truth at play that, simply stated, would remove the adverse psychological effects from the marijuana experience. That would simply be to legalize it. Of course, there would be a backlash of resistance due to ignorance on the part of its opponents. Let us look to no less than the New Testament writings of St. Paul to show what is happening and make manifest the nature of the law. Because, as the following Scripture will Illustrate, marijuana is presently illegal, arguably the use of it is sin in the sight of God. Paul writes:

7What shall we say, then? Is the law sin? Certainly not! Indeed I would not have known what sin was except through the law. For I would not have known what coveting really was if the law had not said, "Do not covet."[b] 8But sin, seizing the opportunity afforded by the commandment, produced in me every kind of covetous desire. For apart from law, sin is dead. 9Once I was alive apart from law; but when the commandment came, sin sprang to life and I died. 10I found that the very commandment that was intended to bring life actually brought death.

11For sin, seizing the opportunity afforded by the commandment, deceived me, and through the commandment put me to death. 12So then, the law is holy, and the commandment is holy, righteous and good. 13Did that which is good, then, become death to me? By no means! But in order that sin might be recognized as sin, it produced death in me through what was good, so that through the commandment sin might become utterly sinful.

14We know that the law is spiritual; but I am unspiritual, sold as a slave to sin. 15I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do. 16And if I do what I do not want to do, I agree that the law is good. 17As it is, it is no longer I myself who do it, but it is sin living in me. 18I know that nothing good lives in me, that is, in my sinful nature.[c] For I have the desire to do what is good, but I cannot carry it out. 19For what I do is not the good I want to do; no, the evil I do not want to do—this I keep on doing. 20Now if I do what I do not want to do, it is no longer I who do it, but it is sin living in me that does it.

21So I find this law at work: When I want to do good, evil is right there with me. 22For in my inner being I delight in God's law; 23but I see another law at work in the members of my body, waging war against the law of my mind and making me a prisoner of the law of sin at work within my members. 24What a wretched man I am! Who will rescue me from this body of death? 25Thanks be to God—through Jesus Christ our Lord!
      So then, I myself in my mind am a slave to God's law, but in the sinful nature a slave to the law of sin.


The law, as Paul writes, is good, but I am not good. Even the fact that marijuana is included in the law is good, even if, unfortunately, illegal for now. The law, by its very nature is spiritual, but I am, by my very nature, am unspiritual, and therefore I rebel against even the thought of what the law dictates. If that thing that the law condemns, even though God created it for his glory, that thing I want, if I use or do that thing the law prohibits, I then am sinning, not necessarily in the sight of God, but against the law itself, rendering me, apart from God's will, sinful and, resultantly unspiritual and foolish. I become sluggish because authorities oppose me because I have transgressed the law when I have indulged in that which the law does not permit me to do. That is the nature of sin in regards to the law. If, however, the law permits me to do a certain thing, then I am not sinning, and sin does not live.

Marijuana, because it is, for now, illegal, is criminalized if used. But, if the law were amended, as it was twice before in America where alcohol was concerned, once in the establishment of prohibition and the subsequent criminalization of alcohol and its use, and in the repealing of prohibition some ten years later. Prohibition was not having the effect it was believed it would have, and it was having disastrous legal effects because people simply rebelled, and the conservative community's "victory" was short lived. True, there still is a small percentage of the population that abuse alcohol, but it is now known, as it always really was, for instance, that moderate consumption of alcohol is beneficial. I offer that the same thing would happen at the reform of the law in regards to marijuana: there would be beneficial findings if marijuana were to be ratified as legal. True, there would always be those who abuse the freedom. But prohibition is a failing theory here, with marijuana as with alcohol. There are those who use alcohol responsibly from every walk of life, and there are those who use  it irresponsibly. So it goes with marijuana, or at least would. I personally deny myself the use of marijuana for now, and have since the year 2001, but I believe it is good and beneficial, and there are nations where marijuana and stronger drugs have found ratified acceptance.  Not everyone who drinks wine is a wino, and not everyone who uses marijuana is a pothead. Many prefer the organic nature of marijuana to the nature of alcohol, either fermented or distilled, and I believe that if the laws prohibiting and criminalizing marijuana and its use were repealed,  that viewpoint would gain popularity, and I believe there are many who agree.

True, there is some paranoia on the part of those who use and possess marijuana, but if the law were reformed and the prohibition were repealed, marijuana would carry with it different effects and affects. I believe the repealing of the  prohibition on legalized marijuana is an idea whose time has come, and the conservative sect who, through ignorance, all the while having the truth right there in front of them, condemns the use of marijuana, ought to revise their thinking. where money is concerned, they wholeheartedly preach, "He who sow liberally will reap liberally; he who sows conservatively will reap conservatively." If this proverb were to gain a greater socio-political acceptance among conservatives, we would have a greater social awareness of freedom as it was intended to be. Right now, America, because of right wing conservativism, is experiencing a recession, reaping conservatively. But, if right-wing America would re-examine their beliefs, they would see that, even if initially frightening, a liberality in mores in regards to social standards and practices and politics in general would bring about a new school of thought that would be most liberating.

America is called the sweet land of liberty by them who are conservatives. Well, Liberty is freedom, and liberty and liberalism have the same etymological root, and it is through moderate liberalism that true freedom will be attained. Keeping extremism in check is necessary, and there needs be balance to temper it.Where extremism is concerned, conservatives are not alone guilty. There is the lunatic fringe on both sides of the fence, but if we could have a drawing toward socio-political balance to things being balanced and centered with a new type of thinking, ignorance would be alleviated, not only where such trivial things as legalized marijuana is concerned, but greater social awareness in general. Our words and the way governmental dogma is worded  both need revision, and we live in the age of informational proliferation. Do we want a liberal harvest? Let us not sow our seed conservatively. Let us sow it liberally, and cultivate it wisely. Then and only then will we realize the new freedoms all men long for.

I realize that this transmuted into something of a battle cry for freedom, and progressed into something unforeseen, but, I believe I have said some things that need to be heard and that deserve to be heard. This became more than an apologetic for the reform of marijuana laws, but an appeal to people to rethink their beliefs, and for that I do not apologize. Thank you.

The morale of America is at a low right now. We are a nation at war and the economy is suffering. What is the solution to this problem? Peace and prosperity are the hope of the nation. It is said, "If you want peace, work for justice." What is justice? That all stand in a place where just and good decisions are made. Justice dictates camaraderie and single minded devotion to the good and the right. Righteousness and goodness are called for; this is dictate by the words good and right. We have to do what is good and we want to do what is right. Therefore, in order to do these things, we must also focus on the good and the right, beginning with the words we use as a people. If we were to take up and put into practice, regular practice, those two words, we would find a general agreement among the people. People want what is good, and people want what is right. We ought wear ourselves out for goodness and justice, timeless values that will never pass away.Then, and only then, will we be able to focus on higher goals, such as freedom and peace, and when that has been achieved, we will have become a better people. Justice condemns corruption, and peace dwells in tranquility and serenity, and does encompass them.
It is corruption that robs the people of what is called just and due compensation, and as it is said, "Virtue is its own reward." Let America renew her song of Joy in praise of Justice, let the wicked man repent, and the reward will be Peace and Justice. As it is said, "Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people." Righteousness is filled with justice, and when we work for justice, we will come closer to being a righteous people , a people at peace, first at home, then abroad; then righteousness will call us near to righteousness' own self. Justice dictates that if you wish to be treated a certain way, then treat others in that way you would be treated, and if you would not have something done to you, then do it not to others. All else is hypocrisy.
It is not that I am a good man, nor am I a particularly just man or person. But I am wise to a degree. I have inquired into the truth, which is filled with and does propel wisdom. My wisdom comes in rest and repose.
Morale is also referred to as "esprit de corps", or the spirit of the many. Let us, therefore, in the interest of goodness, justice, righteousness and peace, take a common preparatory breath, and undertake to do what is right.
Wherein the economy is concerned, it is my contention that money is like water. Right now, we are in an ebbing of the tide. It is said, It is always darkest before the dawn. When is high tide? Is it not in the morning just when all have awakened? Right now it is darkest, and we ought anticipate the dawning of the coming day's light. Then will the tide shift, and all will come to us again. We reap what we sow, and we have cast our bread on the waters. Now, many days later, we should reckon it near that bread's return, if Solomon's proverb is true. Let us proceed, as a people, toward the returning waters of oceans and seas of prosperity, where high tide is soon to come again. Then, if we take in the majesty of that glory under heaven, we will once again know an abundant common and public weal. "E Pluribus Unem."

Adeste Fideles
Laeti triumphantes
Venite, venite in Bethlehem
Natum videte
Regem angelorum
Venite adoremus
Cantet nunc io
Chorus angelorum
Cantet nunc aula caelestium
Gloria, gloria
In excelsis Deo
Venite adoremus
Ergo qui natus
Die hodierna
Jesu, tibi sit gloria
Patris aeterni
Verbum caro factus
Venite adoremus

Linux encompasses original schematics in computing, inviting novices and experts alike to learn new technological avenues to solutions for not-so-new problems. Applying Linux to medical computing can, for instance, with certainty and strength, cut procedural costs, and be applied to research fellowships for finding solutions to important problems, such as AIDS, cancer, and with no additive institutional dilemmas. Linux is the most advanced operating system in the world, and for institutional medicines, there is a causative factor embedded, for sure. The way, therefore, to the truth of causative procedures is in the lifeblood of Linux OS variety. Linux overcomes, due to the open source nature it possesses, secrecies of the past, and is even more robust, in any arena, because of the the internet and its public nature. No application deters in this arena, and its rationale is sound.
The praise of Linux is due to its freedom-based community, and a new social paradigm has come about as a result. The code is free to inspect, dissect, and rebuild and modify, making it a model that is essential to the solutions of age-old problems. The freedom behind Linux and all OSS propels us to a new vocabulary, therefore, a revolution in thinking, historically, and this will grow and evolve quickly. What am I saying? Freedom generates good will, and that is always beneficial in every aspect. Linear uses of it examine instant freedom under the hood. The certainty would reveal half of the snow been finally outside underneath.

This is a codified writing containing hope for the sick. It may appear to not make sense on the surface, but there are hidden, subliminal statements embedded in the text that are designed to give hope to those suffering from cancer and/or AIDS. I believe in many things, including the sublime. I am eager to see if, when reading the text I have just written, while the codified statements may be impossible, or near impossible, to discern, people who are sick with AIDS and/or cancer find themselves hopeful after having done so. This paragraph is straightforward, and not codified. The first two paragraphs will have a more robust effect on the afflicted if read aloud.
The only obviously codified statement is the final sentence in paragraph two. Therein is the culmination of the point I am trying to make in the codified statements. The statement is, "The cure has been found."
I believe in the power of faith to bring about change, and it is my hope that, even though it may seem like the things conjugated in the first two paragraphs on the surface, there are powerful statements codified within. The statements are arbitrary in their codification(s), but I believe it may be curative of serious diseases as when one chants a mantra or prays. The power of suggestion is strong, and so is faith powerful. I believe also, that if, when speaking of the afflictions of AIDS and cancer, one looks upward to heaven for an answer through Jesus Christ, the solution will come to be.
I will make a codified statement here: Just enough sustenance causes hearts in to be sure in trials; and in supplication, Love really has dominion. The statement is this "Jesus Christ is Lord." See if you can find the statement, if you can pick it out. Can you? It is said that every little bit helps. So this is my small, and perhaps insignificant, contribution to the promotion of the general welfare of us all. To every problem, I believe there is a solution, and even if methods are unorthodox to gaining that solution, such things have not been ineffective in the past. New orthodoxies are arrived at through the use of initially unorthodox means, perhaps most usually instead of more often than not. As you have probably surmised, I am a Christian, therefore I believe in the Word. In Greek, the phrase, "the Word," is rendered "Logos," which by definition is "The initial Thought, or causative Idea." From Logos is our word, logic, derived. In order for a Theory to be proven, there must be logic behind it in order to come up with viable solutions, paradigms and principals. Even the word "theory" comes from another Greek word, "Theous", or "God." Therefore, logic is behind every theory, and in order for there to be a tangible solution, we must follow through logically every possibility and reason through with Logic itself.
In Latin, the Word is rendered, "Verbum", therefore, if we apply some Latin to our Logic, we must congeal our theories verbally by the written and/or spoken word. If Jesus was right, and I do believe Him, then if you want something to be, then merely believe that it can and will be, and it will be. Light exists merely because God said, "Let there be light!" Jesus is our touchstone to God; I believe this firmly. Nothing new will come to be if no one thinks new things. And perhaps if we wish for something that was, it can be renewed, if only we will believe. God and heaven are real because they are in the hearts and minds of men, and whatsoever is in the heart and the mind will be seen for what it is.
For centuries, there have been those who oppose the thought of God and His existence, but even there, God lives in there hearts and minds, even if as an enemy or absurd notion. It is much like the statement, "Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus." If you want him to be, then be he will. The glory of an Idea depends on how much it is thought of and how much credibility it has, and it is my belief that God's is the greatest glory. What is glory? It is that which surrounds something, initially and ultimately. Most great things have humble beginnings, therefore, if it is good, no idea is stupid or absurd. There are good ideas and bad ones, and there is nothing that cannot find redemption. There is, as the Bible tells us, a time for everything, therefore, what may be regarded as a bad idea today may tomorrow be said to have been ahead of its time. Sometimes, if not always, that is the case with innovation.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Au commencement était celui qui est la Parole de Dieu. Il était avec Dieu, il était lui-même Dieu.

Au commencement, il était avec Dieu.

Iudicum 13

1rursumque filii Israhel fecerunt malum in conspectu Domini qui tradidit eos in manus Philisthinorum quadraginta annis

2erat autem vir quidam de Saraa et de stirpe Dan nomine Manue habens uxorem sterilem

3cui apparuit angelus Domini et dixit ad eam sterilis es et absque liberis sed concipies et paries filium

4cave ergo ne vinum bibas ac siceram ne inmundum quicquam comedas

5quia concipies et paries filium cuius non tanget caput novacula erit enim nazareus Dei ab infantia sua et ex matris utero et ipse incipiet liberare Israhel de manu Philisthinorum

6quae cum venisset ad maritum dixit ei vir Dei venit ad me habens vultum angelicum terribilis nimis quem cum interrogassem quis esset et unde venisset et quo nomine vocaretur noluit mihi dicere

7sed hoc respondit ecce concipies et paries filium cave ne vinum bibas et siceram et ne aliquo vescaris inmundo erit enim puer nazareus Dei ab infantia sua et ex utero matris usque ad diem mortis suae

8oravit itaque Manue Deum et ait obsecro Domine ut vir Dei quem misisti veniat iterum et doceat nos quid debeamus facere de puero qui nasciturus est

9exaudivitque Dominus precantem Manue et apparuit rursum angelus Domini uxori eius sedenti in agro Manue autem maritus eius non erat cum ea quae cum vidisset angelum

10festinavit et cucurrit ad virum suum nuntiavitque ei dicens ecce apparuit mihi vir quem ante videram

11qui surrexit et secutus est uxorem suam veniensque ad virum dixit ei tu es qui locutus es mulieri et ille respondit ego sum

12cui Manue quando inquit sermo tuus fuerit expletus quid vis ut faciat puer aut a quo se observare debebit

13dixitque angelus Domini ad Manue ab omnibus quae locutus sum uxori tuae abstineat se

14et quicquid ex vinea nascitur non comedat vinum et siceram non bibat nullo vescatur inmundo et quod ei praecepi impleat atque custodiat

15dixitque Manue ad angelum Domini obsecro te ut adquiescas precibus meis et faciamus tibi hedum de capris

16cui respondit angelus si me cogis non comedam panes tuos sin autem vis holocaustum facere offer illud Domino et nesciebat Manue quod angelus Dei esset

17dixitque ad eum quod est tibi nomen ut si sermo tuus fuerit expletus honoremus te

18cui ille respondit cur quaeris nomen meum quod est mirabile

19tulit itaque Manue hedum de capris et libamenta et posuit super petram offerens Domino qui facit mirabilia ipse autem et uxor eius intuebantur

20cumque ascenderet flamma altaris in caelum angelus Domini in flamma pariter ascendit quod cum vidisset Manue et uxor eius proni ceciderunt in terram

21et ultra non eis apparuit angelus Domini statimque intellexit Manue angelum esse Domini

22et dixit ad uxorem suam morte moriemur quia vidimus Deum

23cui respondit mulier si Dominus nos vellet occidere de manibus nostris holocaustum et libamenta non suscepisset nec ostendisset nobis haec omnia neque ea quae sunt ventura dixisset

24peperit itaque filium et vocavit nomen eius Samson crevitque puer et benedixit ei Dominus

25coepitque spiritus Domini esse cum eo in castris Dan inter Saraa et Esthaol

Pater noster qui in caelis es sanctificetur nomen tuum

veniat regnum tuum fiat voluntas tua sicut in caelo et in terra

panem nostrum supersubstantialem da nobis hodie

et dimitte nobis debita nostra sicut et nos dimisimus debitoribus nostris

et ne inducas nos in temptationem sed libera nos a malo

si enim dimiseritis hominibus peccata eorum dimittet et vobis Pater vester caelestis delicta vestra

si autem non dimiseritis hominibus nec Pater vester dimittet peccata vestra

beati pauperes spiritu quoniam ipsorum est regnum caelorum
in principio erat Verbum et Verbum erat apud Deum et Deus erat Verbum

hoc erat in principio apud Deum
When I started this blog yesterday, I had not slept the night before, something that is not unusual for me. I love blogging from time to time, and have several blogs on several sites. I also like to coin neologisms (new words). I had been experimenting with -phrenias. Schizo-phrenia is all too common, and is not a good thing, so I was considering the anithesis to such a malady, and came up with holophrenia, which, if one does the etymology, means " complete mind," or 'wholesome mind." Schizophrenia is, according to classical definition, a shattering, or "splitting", of the mind or personality. The etymology of schizophrenia comes from the Greek schizein (σχίζειν, "to split") and phrēn, phren- (φρήν, φρεν-, "mind") (ref.

As I am a Christian, I believe in the power of prayer, meditation, and, as it would turn out, chanting, chanting not so common among Christians. I believe also that if the vocabulary of people were changed by matriculating positive factors into the vocabulary of those who wish to over come any malady, it will, if they believe and do not doubt, be done, especially in numbers of two or more. This is based on faith in the words of Jesus Christ.

I believe schizophrenia, and other maladies, are the result of a trauma of some sort, especially maladies effecting and affecting the personality.

I also believe that people suffering from schizophrenia, or any other thing called a mental illness, who want it to go into remission (and it has been known to go into remission) are in far greater need of acceptance and friendship of others of like mind, those who wish to overcome it, than any psychiatric service, not to negate the importance of psychiatric evaluation by any means.

Furthermore, I believe that most schizoaffective patients are usually above average people who need a healthy creative outlet and surrounding who, to wit, have been misguided into a situation where there is, by virtue of the stigma placed upon them, a lack of faith in their abilities, whether their abilities to overcome the condition or in other areas of their life, especially in creative matters. I personally am one such person, and as you can see from my profile, I am a musician and an art student. I have been on disability for years, but have gainful employment, but at the present, am sorely in need of a musical instrument. I find that when I have an instrument (I play the electric guitar) I am generally happier and freer from stress, and I am a better person overall. It is a spiritual outlet for me, as all music is based on truth, and, as they say, the truth will set you free. I realize that admitting to such a malady reduces my credibilty in the opinion of most, but we who suffer such things need an intelligent forum in which to express ourselves. I believe, also, that some who do suffer such things are unfortunely complacent in their affliction and do not seek to personally overcome their circumstance, and this is a sad state of affairs, because they could not only rise above it, but be free from it. I believe that meditative processis centering around holophrenic development and personal, and private, study on their part can give them new hope, especially if they lay the foundation on the words of Jesus, and not Freud, who only hinted at what the New Testament professes, in the discovery of psychoanalysis, which actually is an incorporation into the secular realm of the old adage, "Confession is good for the soul." As I recall, furthermore, Freud was an atheist, and while many atheists are fine people, I have concluded that we agree to disagree.

To be honest, when I first came under psychiatric counsel, I believed it necessary. But, to be honest, it becomes, in my humble opinion, a form of bondage, even if well intended on the part of the psychiatrist (s). In a nutshell, I would revise the whole psychiatric paradigm if it were possible.

I believe in the power of the Word, and that is grounded in Old and New Testament theology, and a revision of attitude and vocabulary on the part of the agents of psychiatric care. Sooner or later, someone, somewhere is going to read this, and I would like to suggest the phrase/term , "holophrenic therapy," to them where, first, aptitudes are measured and, second, meditative processes are incorporated. I believe it will alleviate and send into remission any and all schizo-affective symptoms.

Another element lacking in Freudian psychiatry is love, I believe. Freudian ethics, are cool, if not cold, and I believe this is a result of Freud's atheism, not to say that athesist are loveless. It is just that love is not mentioned by psychiatrists, as a rule, unless the patient brings it up, and then it is viewed as a flaw. If the aptient mentions love for someone or something, it is is viewed as a symptom of their illness, not as a positive personality attribute, and is discouraged as "unhealthy," a thing with which I disagree. Love, according to Paul, is the most excellent way, and with him do I agree, St. Paul. I am speaking from 15+ years experience with several psychiatrists, and to be honest, I prefer church. Love is a huge part of ecclesiatical vocabulary, and therefore, love is promoted. I realize, however, it is possible to love too much, sometimes, maybe, and that love must be tempered by wisdom. Therefore, I pray God grant the lover wisdom. Wisdom dictates that there is a time to love and a time to hate. But, it depends on what it being objectified. If we are going to love, let us love a person or persons, or a healthy and productive thing, and if we are going to hate, let it be an evil that we hate, a thing that ought not be, such as crime or poverty or sickness or death or greed.

In closing, I hope that at least a few agree with what I have said in this post, and do not view us as "nut-cases," but, rather as afflcited, and often lonely, human beings in need of something that promotes a wholesome world view.



Friday, December 12, 2008

Too Much Easy Money

Too much easy money is not good for us. I mean, a little easy money is good and pleasant, but I believe we would like to feel the satisfaction of truly having earned that which we have received, and that we would like to continue to do so. We, as human beings, according to the Bible, are made in God's own image, and I believe that if we do not do things the way God does things, we are not truly happy. God is the source and creator of all life, and if the builders don't follow the architect's plan, things go awry. I am not coming from a fundamentalist standpoint, I tell you here. I mean, a little easy money is good for lightens the load. But, as the Bible says, "All hard work yields a profit." There is a saying that we've all heard and used: "Easy come, easy go." There needs to be a moderation at play where gaining money is concerned; what is the middle-ground? God's work ethic, according to the Law of Moses, is six days on, one day off. I would love to be that busy! Not doing the same thing for a straight six days, mind you, but at diversified and profitable interests.

The Judeo-Christian work ethic is one that need a positive re-examination. It needs to be seen in a positive light, and each individual needs to study the etymology behind it in order to understand it. It is not oppressive. It is fulfilling and productive. Oppression is something men do, not God, and that as a result of sin being in the world. Some may argue that there is no such thing as sin. This is simply untrue! To sin is to do wrong, especially when it is done on purpose.  Let me paint for you a picture.

You go into a bank and deposit your money. The sum total is approximately $100,000. Then, through no fault of your own, you are victimized by an internet thief. Did that thief not do wrong to you and by you? Now FDIC rates go up, and so do lending rates, and so on. The essence of sin is wrongdoing.

Another scenario: what if a gangbanger shot a loved one just for seeking a thrill? Would you not want him held to account, and brought to justice? If there were no remorse on his part, would you ever forgive him? Wouldn't you want him to at least consider the possiblity of a Hell? That the Hell might be scared out of him?

The love of money is the root of all evil, and for those who love money, money is usually pretty easy. The love of money is idolatry, and the root source for all sin. Jesus said that "it is easier for a camel to enter through the eye of a needle than it is for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of heaven." An honest windfall is just that, but unjust gain is wrong, and sinful.

I know that all of this has been said before, but all of this bears repeating. It stands the test of time. Everything that stands the test of time bears repeating, whether good art, good music, a good meal or a good ethic. I have to thank God that all of my gain is ethical, and for my taste in music and art, and that He blesses me with good food. But, by the same token, do not think that it is easy. I am not a rich man by any stretch of the imagination; no, not at all. Quite the otherwise, as a matter of fact. But thankfully, God has provided for me a new job, surprisingly enough, it is a legitimate work-from-home situation as a quality analyst. Mine is a telecommute. I'm sure there might be a downside in that I won't be spending much time out of doors, but it is a blessing in that I won't be caught out in the elements if something goes wrong with my transportation.


Through this employment opportunity, I am going to get back on my feet as a professional musician, if the Lord wills, and I am going to climb out of poverty, and honestly, at that!


So, in sum, I want to earn my money honestly, and I want to support myself as a musician and an artist until I am free to do those things solely for my income. I want to do something useful with my hands to earn. To be honest, being out of a gig makes me to feel out of my element.  But I want something that I find challenging and not run-of-the-mill, something in line with my aptitudes, not just easy money.

A Paradigm of Pragmatism

It is written, "Beware the love of money, for it is the root of all evil." It is also written, "He who loves money never has money enough." Greed and avarice are evil. What is good? Well money can be a good wholesome thing, if used rightly. But times like these drive people to desperation. Nobody sits back and takes a look at the bigger picture, but rather panics. Even our daughters see prostitution as viable. Is this necessary? No, I tell you. What is the viable alternative to panic and worry and fear and desperation? Jesus said, "Do not worry, Consider the lilies of the field." Therefore, let us do just that: consider the lilies of the field. They just grow and become beautiful come rain, come shine. Jesus spoke of them as grass. Remember the old adage, "The grass is always greener on the other side?" The other side of what? Well, we are in a time of a small hardship. The other side of hardship, then. Another saying comes to mind: "That which doesn't kill us only serves to make us stronger." Therefore, let us not worry, let us not panic. We are becoming stronger, not poorer. Look at the wealth of knowledge we have, especially here in the age of the proliferation of information! It is time to sit back and not panic or worry or despair.  Now is the time to invest in study and personal resourcefulness. It is time to rethink our beliefs and reinvent ourselves. It is time to realize a new renaissance to prepare us for when times are good again. Jesus said, "Hard is the way that leads to life; easy is the way that leads to destruction." It is time to regroup and redouble our creative efforts. That calls for introspection. The Bible says, "When your on your beds, search your hearts." It also says, "In repentance and rest does your salvation lie." Therein, in repentance and rest, as we search our hearts, not worrying, we will find the saving grace from above. It is time to meditate. "Whatsoever is good, upright, pure, praiseworthy...think on these things," St. Paul wrote.

For instance, I am an art student and a composer/musician.  Now is the time for peace and cool heads, not strife, bitterness and worry. Therefore, we ought to rethink our paradigms. Let it be a philosophical and thoughtful burgeoning of knowledge and reason, a time when we are given to a rationale that is bereft of anger and hostility. It is time to begin a new thing, since something that we became used seems to be at it end. Remember, Solomon, no less than Solomon, said, "That which is has already been, and that which is yet to be has been before. " He also said, "Money is the answer to everything."  On the surface, this seems to be convoluted reasoning on my part, but I tell you, there is a bit of a valley right now, economically speaking.

Speaking of valleys, the Prophet Isaiah wrote, "Every valley will be exalted and every mountain and hill brought low." I humbly submit to you that now is the time to believe! In what? In whom? In you, in me, in us, in God and in Jesus Christ! I have, as have many others, been looking at the holistic campaign that is beginning to burgeon. It is a spiritual cause started by conscientious people looking for a better way than what was and has been in the past. Don't get me wrong. I am not abandoning traditional Christianity , but rather, I am considering incorporating new tenets into my personal experience here under heaven, here on earth. I have been a Christian for nearly twenty years, and I believe in holism. It is not a new thing, yet a new thing. It was theorized, in part by Socrates, and even Jesus is said to have used Socratic method in his preaching and teaching. Truth is one thing. Truth is like water. water begets water, and all need it to survive. Truth has a definite makeup, just like water. Water is H2O. How is Truth like H2O? A good question. Two parts Hydrogen, on part oxygen: even there, there is truth, the truth concerning water's makeup. But, again, how is truth like water, and how is water like truth? Truth refreshes, and water, too, refreshes. Water washes and makes clean, and truth, likewise.  When the truth comes, that which tarnishes is swept away, sometimes like a flood. Perhaps we, as a people, have done wrong. In times of old, when people repented, they fasted and put on sackcloth and put ashes on their heads. They waited for no holy day as we do now, even though that is a good thing. But there is better. There is right here and right now. Always, there is right here and right now. What is more important? Money? Is not life more than money? A resourceful person can do great things with less than one hundred dollars. For instance, last week, I went to our local Barnes and Noble, and purchased two fine art drawing pads. I'm not claiming to be the greatest artist around, but what if that were in the hands of someone like Michelangelo, or Leonardo?  For less than one-hundred dollars, they could produce timeless masterpieces that they work on for several months. A great thing does not take a great investment for a resourceful person. Let us consider Jesus' Parable of the Mustard Seed: "The Kingdom of heaven is like unto a mustard seed that when it is sown is as the least of the garden seeds; but when it grows up, it becomes as the greatest of trees, that even the birds of the air can perch in its limbs."  I have, dear friends, for less than one-hundred dollars, actually just over fifty dollars here in Peoria Illinois, something that carries the potential to be a timeless treasure of my own making, and I have faith that it will get me closer to that glorious end, if I use it rightly and wisely, God be praised. I also have compositional tools with which to create music. Remember the old saying, "Idle hands are the devil's playground?" Well, so long as I have two hands that function, and I do, (and I treasure them greatly, by the way,) it gives the devil no engenderment to folly. There is always something  great to be done, and that by you, by me, by us and by them (whoever they might be.) If we want, this is a new beginning, and not a hardship at all. It is just a time to look at the cup as being half-full and ever refillable, with plenty to spare just in case someone isn't quite the optimist you and I have become today.


It is time to teach our children to do great things, and to give them good things with which to do them. Every problem has a solution, and a child is not a problem, but a problem-solver. Encourage them according to their aptitude. Thankfully, race no longer carries the creative barrier it once did in the proliferation of the artistic and creative knowledgebase at large, especially in places of higher learning. Let there be a proliferation of educational gifts to the people and their children, and a paradigm of pragmatism be spread. One day, when Jesus returns, there will be such a burgeoning of all things being practical that the prosperity it ushers in will be unequalled in all human history. We can taste of that coming glory now, and if we do not, we are cheating ourselves. Therefore, Let us not look downward to that which is below, but onward and upward to that which is above.


Do me a favor. Go look in a mirror, and look down as you are peering at your reflection. You will have an almost insane look about you. But if you look up, still looking in the mirror, you have a happy look, all without changing your expression. Look up always, as best you can!

That said, Happy Holidays and God bless us, everyone! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from Peoria, IL!


Jaszbo Christus


What is freedom? Well, let us begin to answer the question with another question: What is freedom's antithesis? Perhaps we will ask several, or even many, questions in defining freedom.

I believe the antithesis of freedom is bondage, given my Christian faith, and I believe history will support my hypothesis, as well. Bondage is a form of slavery. If one is bound, he/she is captive to someone or something, either by choice or by force. If one is bound by choice, they are exercising a freedom, I believe. But if one is bound by force, freedom is forcibly violated. So, there we have narrowed freedom's antithesis to a bondage: forcible bondage, or better yet, forced bondage, not that forced bondage is good. That is when oppression begins, when one forcibly binds another. And it is fact that oppression is not a good, but an evil.

Therefore, there are those who are enslaved, and those who are free. Freedom is the dominion of that which is free. Freedom comes at a price. One man's freedom comes at the cost of many a man's work. Jesus said to his disciples one time, "Others have done all of the hard work, and you are reaping the benefits."Therefore, let the freedman not oppress his neighbor, but rather lift him up as best he can, for virtue is its own reward. It is also said, "Let freedom ring!" Where can freedom be found. In one sense, in the record collection of a Jimi Hendrix fan, or that of an Aretha Franklin fan, two people who wonderfully and marvelously, whether while living, or in the case of Jimi Hendrix, both living and post-humously, have transcended that which bound their ancestors, that oppressive hypocrisy called slavery.


Jimi Hendrix Aretha Franklin

Freedom, according to, is defined as:


the state of being free or at liberty rather than in confinement or under physical restraint: He won his freedom after a retrial.

exemption from external control, interference, regulation, etc.

the power to determine action without restraint.

political or national independence.

personal liberty, as opposed to bondage or slavery: a slave who bought his freedom.

exemption from the presence of anything specified (usually fol. by from): freedom from fear.

the absence of or release from ties, obligations, etc.

ease or facility of movement or action: to enjoy the freedom of living in the country.

frankness of manner or speech.

general exemption or immunity: freedom from taxation.

the absence of ceremony or reserve.

a liberty taken.

a particular immunity or privilege enjoyed, as by a city or corporation: freedom to levy taxes.

civil liberty, as opposed to subjection to an arbitrary or despotic government.

the right to enjoy all the privileges or special rights of citizenship, membership, etc., in a community or the like.

the right to frequent, enjoy, or use at will: to have the freedom of a friend's library.

Philosophy. the power to exercise choice and make decisions without constraint from within or without; autonomy; self-determination. Compare necessity (def. 7).

bef. 900; ME fredom, OE frēodōm. See free, -dom



Freedom is well defined in every instance here, and  some of what was defined at  I already covered in my thesis, not to assert myself, but rather to show that freedom speaks for freedom's own self. Each word carries a luminescence, and freedom is no different.  But to properly interpret freedom, one, like a musician practices his art and so develops a measure of personal grace and freedom, one must practice the fundamental tenets of freedom according to accepted meaning of the very word, 'freedom.' And as the old adage goes, "Practice make perfect."

Jesus said, "The truth will make you free. Everyone who sins is a slave to sin, but if the Son sets you free, you will be truly free indeed." Therefore, in order to be truly free, if I am understanding Jesus correctly, truth is the prerequisite to freedom. Therefore, we must gird our loins with truth, and fasten our hearts to the cause of freedom in order to be truly free.

It is written, "By His stripes, we are healed."
If there is darkness, that gives light potential. Darkness is the potential for light, not that the darkness is welcome. It is written, "The light shines in the darkness, but the darkness has not understood it."

I am in a particularly dark time in my life right now, and any light I see is most welcome. Light is refreshing to the soul and spirit. Light always overpowers darkness. Darkness is impotent over the light.

When it is dark, we can always choose to find illumination by merely throwing a switch, or set of switches. It is just a matter of knowing where the switch is at. Again, in the beginning was the Word. Therefore we have the Word of Light to refer to, and it is said that God is light. Light is good and pleasing to the soul. It is all healing to the body, soul, mind and spirit.

I have found that when I am lonely, or depressed, or sad, it only worsens things to have the lights dim. It very much refreshes and rejuvenates me to turn the lights on. Light is conducive to life. Could there be such a thing coming as 'light therapy?'

However, there needs to be balance, if Yin and Yang are observed, which are perfectly balanced. Yin and Yang We have, basically, 12 hours of day, and twelve hours of night, making no adjustment for the changing of the seasons. Since Yin and Yang are perfectly balanced, there is such a thing as perfect balance. If we could construct a perfect lamp, it would burn brightly only half of the time, using Yin and yang as the model. The other half of the time, it would be used not at all. Even God, who is light, rested from all of His Labours on the seventh day, and then He began His observation of beauteous humanity, who unfortunately fell at the beginning, but who is, blessed enough, not a failure, except marginally. Humanity is usually successful, praise God. It is only in rare and extreme cases that someone fails.
A song of hope springs from the cry of sorrow, and as it is said, hope does not disappoint us. when we are experiencing hope, therein is no disappointment. Disappointment dashes hope to pieces. A hope fulfilled is food for the soul, and it is a cherished meal, and makes for a heart of good cheer. What brings hope but promise? Promise to those who are otherwise hopeless.

In a passing winter day, when there is a cold, overcast sky, where is hope found? In the knowledge that the sun shines anyway, soon to show his face again, and to once again warm the soul with light unending and light undying.
Light is love in God's Heaven truly. Luminescense is good, holy and true.
Truth is trying under the heavens, but this thing uttered is Beautiful. Be alive under the iconoclastic freedom, usurping not love. Love over all values. Beauty is loving, involved, devoted and true, a child of heaven and plain to see. Every upward rising oval pleases.
The music of the spheres is borne of them, the spheres themselves. It is spherical, for, as it is said, like begets like. It is orbital and is perfect in form. Perhaps it is seen, as well as heard. Where shall I go to write music of the spheres? Must I not first hear it to know it? Music is filled with calls and subsequent responses, much like questions and answers. Music, to be complete, should be resolute and punctual. There must be resolution and punctuation within. Where shall I know the poetry of tone called the Music of the Spheres? There, even dissonance is resonant and beautiful, giving way to a shimmer of sound, and it is filled with peace, for there, all work for justice, and the wages of Justice is Peace.

With what shall I hearken the gods? With harp? With lyre? Or that lyrical one called the Guitar? And what shall, if it is the guitar with which I hearken those gods of which I speak, she speak? The music of the spheres, as to which they are accustomed. If music soothes even the savage breast, how much more the gods, especially if I play well my guitar. The stuff of gods is high and exalted, more than humanity can fathom. And God is feared among even them, they, the gods, for they are lesser, even if powerful.

I am Jasz.
The Book of Life

The Book of Life lives in Paradise;It is an Eternal Reality.In it is Life, and the Names of the Living, and those who shall be raised to everlasting justification. Therein are words of Light and no remorse. It belongs to the God of Paradise, and of the Prophets and of Power, and to the Lamb.

Therein is no evil, and no death, and no pain or sickness. Joy, peace and righteousness belongs to they whose names are found therein. These followed, and do follow, the Way, the Holy Lamb.

The Word


Talking about it is the cure;
It won't be easy, that's for sure!
It is the Word that heals,
The Word is what is real.

Conversation is the stuff of life, as they say;
It is what propels us into a brand new day.
Speak, and be not silent!
Speak until you must relent!
To talk about what is ailing you
Is the cure for what ails you!

The apostle said, “In the Beginning was the Word.”
The Word is the Beginning of all things
A mystery, to be sure
But, it is not far from us, no, not at all!
From the poems we write and the songs we sing,
The word is near, and the word is holy and pure.

Behind the Word is power;
That is where true strength lies, in the word, whe'er or not you think me absurd
But that is the great unyielding tower:
The Word.

There is nothing lost that cannot be found,
And there is no one who is lost that cannot find their way
Whe'er here or there
or back or forth.
We don't always choose our words wisely, and that may lose us friends
But if we turn around and go back to the Beginning, let us seek a kinder and gentler far-reaching end.
There is no problem without solution, and the Solution is found in the Word.
The problem is the beginning of a process of discovery
And the solution is that which is discovered.

What covers the problem is a lack of light, therefore the solution is the light of the world, and that is, according to Jesus, you and I, and He is the Way and the Truth and the Life, the very light of the world.
His words are Life, Light and Spirit, and His Name is the Word of God. He is the Word which was from the Beginning, in which was the Word. Jesus is the solution to every problem.

It is my hope that I do not sound religious so much, but reasoning and reasonable, thinking and thoughful.
Thomas Payne said of times like I am living, “These are the times that try the souls of men,” in his Age of Reason. And that, of which he wrote, goes not out of season, that being reason.

Never say never, and
Never say die
Alas is not the end, no not ever.
In despair, do not cry!
But rather, look up, and despair not ever.
Look up, and sane you will look, for more often than not, upwards is the source of the light by which we see. Happiness dwells upward, and higher we wish to go. Altitude is everything.
Although, what goes up must come down, and the higher the heights, the deeper the depths. For those who believe, depression and sadness are only temporary- there is no permanent evil or woe. At the end, there is no loss for those who believe.

How's this for a Neologism: Ultraholophrenia? It means, “The highest form of wholesome thinking.” Where there is an evil, there is a countering good. If Schizophrenia is the problem, then in the Word, there is a solution in the Holy Spirit. Holophrenia is the solution to Schizophrenia. How might we induce holophrenia? Merely by using the word 'holophrenia,' and that right faithfully and judiciously.

The Word is the Genesis of all things, whe'er tried and true, or neoligism. Happiness is the answer to madness.
When we feel like crying out, “Stop the madness!” we ought say, “Let the happiness begin!” Happiness is the end of madness, not punishment. Punishment only stirs anger and resentment, and free men ought to seek happiness, first within, then without. A little for me can be alot for you, and you, and you, and you , too. Punishment, which is to say, revenge, belongs to the LORD. Therefore, let us, while we are free, seek happiness and peace and greater freedom, and it is only by the truth that one is set free. Therefore, our fellowship should be truth, whe'er in the country or the city, in the desert, or on the roof. If truth is our fellowship, then freedom will be our home. If it is truth that sets free, and sin that binds, then let us seek truth, for everyone who seeks, finds, said Jesus, he being the very truth in and of the truth's own self. If damnation is the problem, and salvation the solution to the problem, then how are we saved? In the very word, 'Salvation.'

Salvation: the Word is its birth, whether in the depths of despair, woe and madness, or atop
the mountains of the earth.

The Word.

Love, truth, grace, peace, faith, hope, love.

The Truth. The Son. The Way. The Life. The Word.


Beatific is the Word!
The Spirit is Truth.