Monday, April 19, 2010

Virtue is its own Reward

Ya gotta be tough, sometimes, ya gotta be tough. But, not always. Sometimes, it pays to cry, to weep. Remember that Christ said, "Blessed are they who weep, for they shall later laugh." Sometimes, it is better to cry with the saints than to laugh with the sinners. Don't we want them pulling for us when the chips are down for us? There is a time to laugh, and a time to weep, according to King Solomon's The Book of Ecclesiastes. What does this have to do with virtue? This weeping business? And just how does it pay me to weep. Remember the saying, "No pain, no gain?" Rarely do we laugh when it hurts, if ever; laughter is not our natural reaction to pain.

Usually, depending on how bad we're hurting, we put of expressions of pain, and often times, this is expressed through weeping. The New Testament tells us to do this: "Rejoice with those who rejoice, and mourn with those who mourn." There is a special blessing for those who mourn in the Bible. It goes as such: "Blessed are they who mourn, for they shall be comforted." If you attend the funeral of a friend's family member to comfort your mourning friend, you will be blessed by God for having done so. At least this is how I read and understand the Bible. So, what is virtue? If we want an abundance of automatic reward, we will, if the saying is true, we will practice as much virtue as we possibly can. If we don't care for reward, automatic or otherwise, we'll probably blow a lot of stuff off.

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